Sunday 26 March 2017

Mainstar 8 Heathly Lunchboxes for a week


  1. Yum! This makes me feel hungry! What a great job you have done creating a healthy lunch menu. Do you think you can keep it going all year?

    1. Kia Ora Miss Panther! It makes me feel hungry to! You asked me can I keep it going all year?? I think I might!! If you had a chance to try one of my healthy lunch boxes which one would you have?? I think I would have Monday because I love ham and tomato sandwichs! What's your favourite peice of fruit??

  2. Hi Katelynn! These lunches look so good!! I like the look of tuesday and thursday because I love savouries, carrot cake, dates and apricots, YUM.
    Danny (Katelynns Dad)


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