Friday 18 August 2017

Week 4 Reflection T3

Speech Board

This week I had Speech Board, This when you do your speech, Poem and read a passage of a book infront of a Judge. I done my speech on my pet Possum Poppy! I memorised a poem called Murray Had A Turtle with Iris and read a passage from Awful Auntie! 

After sitting in the Library for around an hour we got told our reselts! I got a Highly Commeded that is the 2 Highest!


Also for Numeracy Kyra, Alyssa and I done a Maths Trail! 



This week for literacy we finished our Buddy Letters. We also Started a reply to our buddys letter!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Katelynn, What did you find challenging about writing your buddy letter? Did you step out of your comfort zone and use some persuasive language that you wouldn't normally use?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.