Wednesday 8 January 2020

SLJ - W4/D3/A3 - Feast or Famine


  1. H Katelynn
    I don't believe in doing a famine either. You are right It probably will harm your body and there are many other ways to raise money for charity. It makes me sad to think people would starve them self's for fun. Great work on this persuasive piece of writing.
    Keep it up

  2. Hi Molly,

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. It makes me sad as well to think people starve them self for 1 day or 2, when they could do something else to raise money for charity. I would say it would harm your body especially if you eat full meals right up to the day of the famine. You would be so hungry.


    1. Hi Katelynn

      Thanks for the reply. You are definitely right. There are also those people who don't have food.

  3. Hi Katelynn

    Great job completing another activity for the SLJ. You really have done a great job again this year.

    This is a really great charity that has been going for a while now and has raised a lot of money for children in third world countries.
    It is something that not everyone is able to do and that is just fine. That will be why they have created other options like the technology challenge. This is where you can not use any technology for the same about of time.
    There would be a lot of people young and older that would have a lot of trouble doing this one too.
    I did this recently. I went to our bach at Punakaiki for my two days off at New Year. We have not cell phone coverage, tv or computer. It was amazing. After spending so much time on my chromebook it was really nice to have a break.

    Could you do this challenge?

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.