Saturday 20 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey ~ A Bilingual Schooling System


Dear Mrs O 

For one of our Summer Learning Journey task we had to write a letter to our principal explaining something we would like to change. I would like to change the playground. Please sit back and enjoy my letter.

I think we should add some more monkeys bars and swings to our bigfort. Here is why!

1.If we had more monkey bars we could have a small obtabcle course some going up and down, some going down on an angle and then going back up! IMAGINE all the fun we would have!

2. Number 2 is swings. Swings would be such a lot of fun because we could take turns at pushing each other and having goes on the swing itself. Just IMAGINE the veiw you would have if you swung high enough.

Please think about my request

Yours Sincerly 

Katelynn F 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katelynn!

    This is a great letter to your principal Mrs O!
    I think she would be pretty impressed with it if she had the chance to read it :)

    I like that you have a little introduction explaining the reason for the letter and what it will be about. Your finishing to this paragraph also gave me a little giggle! "Please sit back and enjoy my letter." - very cool!

    I think your ideas to improve the playground are really clever. I am interested in these extra monkey bars...Do you already have some in a different part of the playground and that's why you want them here too or are the ones you have in this area so busy that you need more to make way for traffic?

    I also like the idea of adding swings! I always really like swings but I have never seen them at a school playground before.... do you think it might be because of injuries?
    Do you think there is somewhere on the playground you could place them that would minimise accidents happening?

    This is a really great letter Katelynn, you are very persuasive and I think
    your ideas are very clear! Awesome work!

    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.