Friday, 21 December 2018

SLJ - Something Smells Fishy

Fish Image - Link
Turtle Image - Link


  1. Hi Katelynn,

    It's great to see that you have attributed your images, fantastic work! I love the way you have set out your work and like the fact that you have also included a turtle friend! If you could name the fish and turtle from your post, what would you call them?

    Some of these facts are pretty fascinating, don't you think? They're almost too hard to believe... You're right for the first fact, the oldest aquarium fish in the world was indeed an Australian lungfish. His name was Granddad (I can tell why) and he actually lived until the old age of 95! It's so weird that sharks have eyelids. Speaking of eyelids, I've got another fact for you that's true: Did you know that camels have three eyelids? THREE! I think that's insanely crazy! It's pretty funny that starfish aren't actually fish since they have the word "fish" in their name.

    Keep it up,
    Evelyn :)

    1. Hey Katelynn,

      I think Mac and Jack are awesome names! Speaking of fish names, I actually have two fish at home. One's a betta fish (they look really cool) and the other is a small bristlenose catfish (he looks a bit weird). My betta fish is blue so I named him after the god of the sea, Poseidon. The other one is a little spotted and spends most of his time at the bottom of my tank so I named him Pebbles. Pebbles and Poseidon don't like each other too much so they just do their own thing. Do you have any pets? I read that you have had 9 pets? That's impressive!

      I have only seen one camel in my life before and that was at a zoo in another country. I'm not sure if we have camels in New Zealand zoos.

      Evelyn :)


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