Friday, 24 February 2017

T1 Week 4 Electronics

Electronics Week 4 

This Friday M1 had electronics with Andrew. We learnt what LED stands for and how to be safe and unsafe around electricity.

Safe around electricity!               
1. Never leave a power plug
on with little children around.

2. Always leave water on the 
bench incase you spill it near
a power plug.

3. Always make sure if your
room has a power plug to make 
sure you turn it off. 

Unsafe around electricity

1. Swallowing a battery.

2. Spilling water near a power plug.

3. Letting a little child touch a power plug.

We also learnt the postive side of a battery and the negative side of a battery. The postive side is the side that makes the LED light work the negative side doesn't let the LED light light up.

We also had to do 3 experiment's they were temperature, strength and one more using the LED's and the Data collector.

LED stands for (L) Light, (E) Emitting and (D) Diod.

It was lots of fun hanging out with Andrew and learning about electronics because last time I had rippa practice so I didn't get to do it. 

Here is a video of me and Kyra talking about what we did with Andrew!
