The Grey Main School Art Soiree is on...
Tonight Friday 14th September 2018, make sure to come along at 7:00 tickets are $10 an adult and $5 a kid unless your performing thats free, if you come you can look at the artwork Grey Main Students have either created or donated a piece of artwork and my sdynicate made TIE DYE T-SHIRTS! They turned out really cool and I can't wait to buy mine tonight! I use the colours Pink, Green and Yellow my design was spiral and I personally think it turned out really cool but the colours kind of mixed in the middle!
Also we have some performing arts that are...
Mia and Iris dancing, Kapahaka, Choir, Corianna singing and The Barry Family performing there musical instruments! It is going to be a great night with drinks and nibbles come down and have some fun enjoying what everyone is doing!
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