Friday, 23 August 2019

Algebra: Number Sequences


This week we've been learning different types of ALGEBRA. We've been learning how to find a rule for a patter, how to find 'A' in a equation and number sequences. I decided to do my maths DLO on number sequences. I wrote some questions on a few slides for you to work out. Leave me a comment and tell me how many you got right. 

Wearable Arts 2019

Wearable Arts 2019

This term we have our Wearable Arts. Wearable Arts is a activity our school does every 2 years for the seniors. (Year 7&8). We have this entire term to work on our costume. In the end of Week 10 we have the presentation of everyone's costumes, the person who is wearing the costume has to walk the cat walk in front of the audience (Public, Friends and Family). You get to pick the music you have when walking the cat walk. Once you have walked the cat walk and get the front stage the other 2 in your group talk about the costume you've made. Once everyone has walked the cat walk in there costumes you get marked on how well you did, if your Wearable Arts Booklet is up to date and how well you worked together and of course how amazing your costume looks!

I am very excited to see what our costume looks like at the end of the term as we have been and are working very hard to get it looking amazing. I am so proud of ALL of our efforts so far and think we're going to pull this off!

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Mainstar 5 - Design a new currency for PrEP. You will need a $1, $2, $5 and $10 note. What will you name it? Come up with a creative name and who knows, next year we may even be able to use it!

Should sports be compulsory for children?

Should sports be compulsory for children?

For the past 2 weeks we have been working on our own choice argument. I chose to do 'Should sports be compulsory for children?' I believe sports should be compulsory for ALL children as how would you feel if your child/children were obese and didn't want to compete in any sports? What sports do you play?

My argument:
Should sports be compulsory for ALL children?

I strongly believe that children should have to play sport because they need to be fit and live a healthy life, socialise and have co-operative skills and have their competitive side come out. Well, tell me, what do you think, should every child play a sport?

Just think for a moment… how would you like your child becoming unfit and living an unhealthy life? Scientists say that children’s self esteem builds up when they play a sport as they are having fun and achieving goals. How would you feel if your child got up in the morning didn’t, make there bed, didn’t do there breakfast dishes… can YOU imagine a world like that? Doctor Google says that you need 150 minutes to 75 minutes of exercise a day, so what better way to do that then playing a sport.

Do you realise that if your child doesn’t socialise with other children outside of their classroom and school they will grow up having NO social skills whatsoever. Playing at least 1 sport requires meeting new people and exploring the world around you. I would be APPALLED if my child didn’t know how to socialise with other children, meaning they would be too shy to even speak to someone they have never met. It is SO important to learn social skills because you need to be able to get along with classmates and when you get a job the people you are working with.

Lastly, imagine how competitive (in a good way) your child would be if they played sports and won. Of course you would like them to be good sport if they win or lose. Playing 1 sport could lead your child to living a happy and healthy life. I would be appalled if my child played no sports and got lazier and lazier.

In conclusion I believe that kids should play AT LEAST one sport so they can live a fit and healthier life, socialise and have cooperative skills and have their competitive side come out. Well, tell me what you think, should ALL children play at least 1 sport?

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Maths DLO: Tessllations


This week we have been working on Tessellations. I decided to make a DLO, showing you how to do a tessellation.

Friday, 2 August 2019

My goals for Term 3

These are my goals for Term 3. Some are inside school and some are outside of school. What are you goals for this term/year?