Thursday, 25 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey ~ Country Calender


Yes I would love to be a farmer when I am older because I love being out on the motorbikes at my Aunty and Uncles farm. Sometimes we even get to out with David to shift sheep, I love it!  last time we were up there Uncle Abe, Dad, Kyro, Jaxon, Aimee and I went hunting we shot a goat and cut it open and then we opened it stomach it STUNK! Then we put it on the goat on the back of the ute and drove back to the house and the next day we skinned it!

What would be the most the most challenging thing about being a farmer?

I think the hardest thing about being a farmer would be shifting sheep and cows from paddock to paddock. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katelynn!

    Wow! Sounds like you have some great experience with being a farmer - go you!
    I think that it is pretty awesome that you have been hunting with your family before, what a cool experience - would you like to go again?

    Do you get to ride your own motorbike when you go out on the farm?
    I think would like to learn to ride on a motorbike...I do have a scooter but I think that it would be very different and much faster!

    That does sound like a big challenge for farmers - I think they have a really hard job, even working around the weather must be tough!

    This was a great post Katelynn, thank for sharing your farming experiences, it was very fun to read!

    Keep up the great work!
    Ellee :)


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