Thursday, 31 May 2018

T2W5 Numeracy Reflection

T2W5 Numeracy Reflection

This week for numeracy my group, the newtons have been working on 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. We have not done it digitally this week because we have been given 2 sheets with around 20 questions to complete! I found these questions really easy because all you have to know is your times tables. Next week I would really like to learn short division because alot of the work we have been doing as a class involves short division and I'm not quite sure how to do that.If you want to have a little taste of what we have been doing this week here is a question for you to work out and tell me your answer in the comments. 78x27. I would work this question out on paper and in a algorithm to make it easier for yourself! I have made a DLO to present my work this week since it was on paper. I made a google drawing with what we were doing, an explantion and a photo of the 2 sheets.

Maths Maintenance 

This week we have also worked on our maths maintenance. Which is basically 20 questions each day. Those questions are random but oviously they are maths questions. Like for example how many digits in this number 11,364,978 tell me your answer in the comments. 

Maths Maintenance ~ Please make sure to click week 5 because that is this week

Basic Facts

Everyweek we also do basic facts. Each column has around 26 questions, those questions are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. 

Maths Buddy

Everyweek we also do 4 or 5 maths buddy tasks and save them as Pdfs into our numeracy folder. I normally create a folder called T2W5 Maths Buddy Tasks for example, so I know what folder to put them in when I save them! 

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