Saturday 5 January 2019

SLJ - Climate Change

Book Image
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Wii Image


  1. Hi there Katelynn,

    I absolutely love the way you'd choose to spend rainy days, the activities you have listed all seem so peaceful, dreamy and relaxing. What kinds of books do you like to read? I'm always very busy and can never seem to find the time to sit down and finish an entire book (I'm a slow reader) but when I can (usually in the holidays), I enjoy reading adventurous books and the old classic fairy tales.

    Mmmm yum, eating popcorn and watching a movie with the family sounds like the best way to make the most out of a rainy day. What's your favourite popcorn flavour? I used to really love butter salt but now caramel, kettle corn flavoured, or just anything sweet has to be my favourite! Oh, I love playing board games as well! Everyone in my family seems to always be busy at different times so we hardly play together but when we do, we usually play Monopoly or Jenga. What board games do you and your family play? I'd love to know and get some good recommendations!

    Evelyn :)

    1. Hello Evelyn!

      Our family likes to play pretty much any board game!


  2. Hey Katelynn
    I love playing bored games with my brother and watching a movie with the family. I used to love play Wii with my Mum she was so good at it. Is your Mum good at it?
    Thanks Rikki


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