Friday 11 January 2019

SLJ Day 4 Week 4 - Campaigning for Conservation

Forest & Bird New Zealand Image - Link
Nature Image - Link

For this activity we had to pick a campaign and come up with a slogan for that campaign, mine is 'For the love of our forests, help Forest and Bird protect our animals' and that goes with the campaign 'Forest and Bird New Zealand'.


  1. Hi Katelynn

    This is a fantastic slogan for Forest and Bird. You really have captured the essence of their work. 'For the love of our forests, help forest and bird to protect our animals' This is great Katelynn.
    It sit along side the real one of Forest and Bird really nicely.
    I am sure that even they would think that.
    What would you like to do when you leave school? Have you thought about that? I could see you designing slogans and advertising for big companies and cooperation's. I think you would be really good at this.

    I have really enjoyed reading the posts of yours that I have commented on over the summer Katelynn. You should be very proud of yourself for producing such high quality work. Evelyn and Myself are very proud of all the hard work that you have done.
    I look forward to seeing you when I come to Grey Main with certificates and prizes in February.

    Until then

    Allie :)

    1. Hello Allie!

      When I am older I would like to live on a farm, have a huge house on my farm and own a Blue Ford Mustang! I would also own a lot of dogs maybe 5 or 6!


  2. Hey Katelynn
    I really like your Slogan its catchy and cool. You're absolutely right it does go with the title of the Campaigns! I wish mine was cool like your's awesome work! Great blogging
    Thanks Rikki x :)

    1. Kia Ora Rikki!

      Thank you. I do agree my slogan is quite catchy and cool. I'm sure your slogan is as catchy and AMAZING. Keep blogging Rikki.



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