Saturday 15 June 2019

Mainstar 5 - Nominate someone for take the cake


  1. Hello Katelynn! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. I love this really eye-catching post! It has colors flooding out from everywhere on the page and it instantly made me want to read it, keep that up!

    Take the cake? interesting way of putting it but it is very cool. We have something called Hero awards, it is when someone is nominated by the teachers (or sometimes students) when they are showing Hero values (Healthy individual, Enthusiastic learner, Responsible citizen, Open-minded explorer). To improve this post I would love for you to add in a introduction to your post to get a good view of what it is you are talking about. Why do you call it take the cake?

    Awesome work!

    1. Hello Mia!

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and giving me some advice on how to improve!

      Take the cake at our school is when you nominate someone for showing kindness at school. Like you could see someone show kindness in classroom or in the playground. Then you would write a nomination to Mrs 0 and she will read it out in assembly and that person will get a beautifully decorated cupcake along with a certificate.


  2. Hello Katelynn

    It's Angelina from Totara 1
    I like how you have made this post colourful and interesting.

    Next time you could put what you had to do this for.

    What part are you playing in the production?

    Until next time Angelina

    1. Hello Angelina!

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and giving me some wonderful advice!

      I am playing Sunny Day in the production this year!



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.