Sunday, 29 November 2015

WK 7 term 4

This week I learnt to read a story and answer Questions from the story. So we had a booklet that Mrs Clark gave us and we had to read and then we had to do activities that were in the  little booklet

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Cycle saftey

On Thursday constable Jos came into room ten and taught us about Cycle Safety and how to where our helmets. Then he told us what you must have on your bike and also what we have to have and what to do before you go for a bike ride.

  1. Red reflector on the back of your seat.
  2. Orange reflectors on both sides of you pedals.
  3. Red or orange reflector in the middle of your handlebars.
  4. Right size helmet so it doesn't fall off when your bike riding
  5. Pumped up tyres so you don't have to walk your bike home.

Then after morning tea he took us outside and told us some signals to use when your bike riding so a car knows where your going to go and what time to go  in case you get hurt because the car won't no where your going to go.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Main Star WK5-My Learning

This week I learnt how to go forwards  in numbers here is an example for you
  1. The number is 145 now go 100 numbers forwards that number would be 245 to do this all you have to do is change the hundreds number.
  2. The number is 34 now go 10 numbers forward that number would be 44 to do this all you have to do is change the tens number.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Main Star WK4-My Learning

This week I learnt how to read quarter to and quarter past it is very easy here is an example for you.

1.When there is only 15 minutes to go it means quarter to 4 so that's what quarter to means.

2.When its 15 minutes past an hour it means it is quarter past 2.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Main Star WK3-My Learning

I learnt how to go back in time and figure out the time it was an hour ago

Here is an example for you.

* The time right now is 5 to 6 an hour ago it was 5 to 5

* It was 2 o clock in the afternoon and 5 hours ago it was 9 O clock in the morning.

Here is two for you guys comment in the comment box down the below if you think you know the answer and I will tell you in my comments

* It was 4 O clock at night, so what would 7 hours forward be........

* It was 6 O clock in the morning, so would the time be if it was 4 hours ago.....

Main Star WK 2- My Learning

This week I learnt How to do a describe bubble and I did it on a few characters, I did it on FROGS,GRANNY, A MAN EATING TOAST AND THE DREAM GIVER.

A Describe Bubble has...

1, Position
2, Doing
3, Size
4, Texture
5, Number
6, Colour
7, Shape

Main Star WK1 - My learning

I learnt how to post a clip of anything to put on my blog, instead of just putting the link to the clip


1. First Right click the video you want to but on your blog then click copy and paste
2.Then get the tab you want it to be on and press HTML Then the video should pop upon your screen in the place you want it to be in.
3. Now you can write a sentence about it or a story if it's a Disney clip.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Buck Shelford   

Facts about Buck Shelford

  1. Wayne is my brother so when I was looking at writing a page about the maori HAKA,I naturally thought of him because Wayne,Rugby and HAKA go hand and hand in this Country.

Friday, 16 October 2015


This is book Character day ROOM 10 STYLE 

Friday, 2 October 2015

BBQ for Joshes birthday

This weekend I am going to my brothers joshes birthday he is turning 18 and in his last year of high school he has invited us and some of his High school friends.My dad is his dad so Josh and Matt are my step brothers.

Monday, 28 September 2015


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We have got Joshes birthday planed so we are going to Timaru and while we are there we are planning to do something fun like swimming and other SUPER STUFF I am very excited  

We are also planning to maybe go to Hanmer  Springs for one or two nights and play at the pool for hours and hours I can not wait  it will be loads and loads and loads of FUN

Friday, 25 September 2015


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This book is about two sisters, Lola the little one always gets new clothes and her sister Lucy the older one is so jealous that Lucy gets everything .
But when they both enter the comp does Lucy win or the little lucky one Lola win.
Is Lucy Jealous or Lola Jealous find out who wins in this Jabby jobby jealous story 

Home Learning

  Monday          Tuesday          Wednesday  Thursday                


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

My dog Gypsy was the best dog she always gave me cuddles and big wet kisses she was sort of fluffy and was good mates with our cat boots .

About 2-3 weeks ago Me and Dad took her for a walk to the beach and I tried getting her in , got her in and then I fell over and got so wet it felt like I was a wet soggy dog.
She was very old and was not eating her dinner we even tried her on cat food but the cat found it and ate it so she didn't eat it but she would always eat if she was ok but she was not well at all.

Monday, 21 September 2015


WALT I can group a few ideas correctly
setting lolly shop
characters  Jessica ,Holly,Ella ,Yana and summer
problem  Can’t stop running
solution  I sit on my rocket chair

I have just landed on this planet and everybody is running so i join in and I try I to stop but I can’t so I tell them but they can’t here me .

We finally get to the lolly shop and I can not stop running on the spot so I yell help and my friends jessica holly ella  yana and summer come and they grab me by the legs  and I keep kicking them I  say “sorry “ as I keep kicking they finally put me down and we all pick lollies and we get a big bag of m &m and then we race home I sit down on my rocket chair and it works I have stoped running I sream and my friends come into the room and I have stoped running but they haven’t  “HA HA ! “ I yell at the top of my voice  but they deciced   to sit on my chair so one by one they sit on my space rocket chair.

Now I say lets have our lollies  so we open them and we see a cute moff we all scream that will be it lets go and tell the shop owner .


Fancy_Letter_T_(2).jpg (250×214)Teleisha is my cousin she is 10 years old her birthday is in march she is a little taller than me and a little bit older than me.When I see her we are  shy but then we start talking about school or something and we get along.We like  to call her TJ for short we are very similar in some ways.

Sunday, 20 September 2015


One evening, at work, Geronimo Stilton received a letter from Uncle Stingysnout he gets asked to do all these request's before his Uncle leaves him!!!!
But is he joking, because he didn't want to spend his money on all of that

Thursday, 17 September 2015


When Geronimo stilton has to be SANTA for a night Does he get all the Christmas presents delivered to those lovely children out in the wide world? 

       Make a meal for your family…with $20 or less

List the items you will include and the price for each  

Chicken Drumsticks $8.00
IceBerg Lettuce $3.00
Free Range eggs $6.69
Corn Kernels $.89c

TOTAL=  $18.58


51yIiICSzlL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (239×346)This book is about Basil, He is a extraordinary Kid. Start reading this book and you will turn to an  extraordinary Girl/Boy


What is a sustainable forest ? -A sustainable forest is a forest with trees and when the trees get knocked over some kind people get some seedlings and put them in little Holes and come back when they are fully grown.sustan4b.gif (600×350)

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Maui and the giant fish

Maui and the giant  fish
Maui dreamed of the day that he could go fishing with his older brothers. Each time his brothers returned from a fishing trip Maui would ask " Next time, can I come fishing with you?"
But Maui's brothers would always make an excuse. "No you're much too young to come fishing with us. We need all the room in our waka for the many fish that we catch."
Maui would get angry. "I'll teach them, he'd say to himself, "I'll prove how good I am!"
Secretly Maui hatched a plan to prove he was a great fisherman. One night when Maui was alone he began weaving a strong fishing line from flax. As he wove he recited and old karakia to give his fishing line strength.
When he was finished, Maui took a jawbone which his ancestor Murirangawhenua had given him, and bound it securely to the line. Early the next  morning, Maui took his fishing line and secreted himself in the hull of his brothers' canoe.
None of the brothers noticed Maui hiding in the hull. When Maui heard his brothers drop the anchor, he knew they were too far from land to return. Maui revealed himself to his brothers' surprise.
"I have come to fish because Murirangawhenua said I would be a great fisherman. Let your lines down as I say my karakia and you'll catch more fish than you ever have." Maui began his karakia.
The  brothers threw their lines into the water and instantly began catching fish. One after another they pulled their fish into the waka. In no time the waka was full and the brothers were delighted with their catch.
We're the best fisherman ever!" the brothers congratulated each other.
"Now it is my turn to fish," said Maui.
The brothers laughed when Maui pulled his fishing line from his bag.
The brothers couldn't contain their laughter. Maui didn't listen, instead he recited his karakia and readied his line. "Can you give me some bait for my hook?" Maui asked his brothers.
But the brothers only laughed harder so Maui  clenched his fist and hit himself hard on the nose. His nose bled and Maui covered his hook with his own blood. Maui then stood at the front of the canoe and whirled his line above his head as he recited his karakia . He spun his line out to sea , the line sunk deep to the ocean floor, down into the depths of the domain of Tangaroa and instantly the hook was taken
Maui line went suddenly taut. The brothers stop there laughing and held tightly to the side of the waka as they began to speed across the ocean.
"Cut the line!!" a brother called, clearly quaking in his seat.
"We'll all be drowned" said another. "Please Maui cut the line!!"
But Maui held tight to his line , and slowly a giant fish was pulled to the surface. The brothers huddled in the waka shivering with fright.
"This is the fish that our grandmother, murirangawhenua  , said would be gifted to us" Maui said "Guard our fish and I'll soon return with our people."
The brothers agreed to stay, and Maui headed back to Hawaiki. However as soon Maui had gone, the brothers began chopping greedily at the big fish, claiming huge pieces of it as their own.
When Maui returned, his people were amazed to see the giant fish.
"Maui is the best fisherman ever," they marvelled.
The people saw the greedy brothers for who they really were.
Over many hundreds and thousands of years, these gullies and mountains became part of the landscape of Aotearoa as we know it today. Birds, plants, animals and the people of Hawaiki populated the giant fish of Maui. And in time Maui's giant fish became known as the North Island of Aotearoa, and Maui's canoe the South Island.

Friday, 11 September 2015


Washing dishes.
Help your mum get the washing in.
Help your Mum or family by helping them weed .      
Help your mum or Dad make tea.
Mow the lawns for your Dad .
Help take their rubbish bins out for your mum and dad .
Do the dishes for a week and you will earn pocket money.
Feed your next door neighbors pets while they are away .


WALT: Add detail to my writing

SC: Include at least 5 icons from the ‘Adding Detail’ chart.
SC: Include at least two similes or metapores

  • You are the character in the picture. Write a list of descriptive words you might use in your description before you start

  • Remember to put you writing into paragraphs.

As bright as the sun
As tall  as  a giraffe's  leg
As cold as cold as an iceberg
The trees are leaning over because of the snow
I can hear  the ice crunching like a crunchy bar
The snow is very bright because of the awesome bright sun

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. I
As I walk down this long path I can see lots of snow making the trees bend over like a bamboo tree  with panda on them .I can hear the ice crunching like a crunchy bar as I walk down the cold path. I can smell the  fresh ice going in and down my cold throat .I can feel the snow against my cold very cold boots .I can taste the snowflakes falling out of the sky they are very cold!.All I can think about is the snow because it is glittering in the sun like a sparkly sea waterfall .Up ahead I can see my friend alexa she says “do you want to have a snow fight” I say “yes” as soon as aI through the snowball I fall and face plant when I get up Alexa is no where to be seen I yell “Alexa “ but there’s no answer I yell it again but I can only here a little voice my hearts going cold where is she I run up to the end of the path and I can see her she is standing next to a sparkly waterfall I yell “can I join” she says “yes” so I do. When I stand near the waterfall it looks like diamonds . Then I say “I have got to go” she asked “why”?  because I’m late for dinner I just got a text from my brother Max “ oh ok by by my friend “ “ by “ I say  sadly .As I walk back  I almost cry because I didn’t actually  get a text from my brother  I was trying to get home because i was freezing  COLD and I had forgot my jacket along the path. As  I walk home I can see a my jersey just sitting on a tall tree. with heaps of snow on it .When I get home I have a a hot chocolate with marshmallows and hot chips it was very Yummy.

                                           By katelynn

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The jump

The jump
The cliff is as HIGH as a very tall giraffe, there are people staring at me from the bottom of the cliff I shove my shoulders at them and give them a very funny smile, I say to myself I can do this I really CAN, I run I jump and I dive Under the water, I saw a cute also little tropical fish when I was looking down . I swim to shore  and I tell dad that i saw a tropical I asked him can you watch me this time an he did. 


61NqbFF48EL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (224×346)This book is all about friendship, because when Frankie fosters  friend starts acting weird Frankie is always KEEN to find out what's  wrong. So start reading the book and you will get a few tips to find out why your FRIEND is acting all weird when they are around you .

Friday, 4 September 2015

Mainstar spelling

Monday                            Tuesday                            Wednesday              Thursday


My Awesome Secret Story

As I feel mint wash through It .I pushed it around and plah as it dripped into the bowl my eyes start watering I take a sip of water and its gone .

Thursday, 3 September 2015

John hunt history

     john hunts

Birth date 29th may
hometown White Stone
known family members William
job at war unknown