Thursday 2 January 2020

SLJ - W3/D4/A3 - Putting Our Heads Together

John Kirwan Image - Link

My poster on the John Kirwan Foundation. I explained on the left side what the organisation do and then got an image off the internet of John Kirwan. 


  1. Good afternoon Katelynn,

    You have done an excellent job with your poster! I can tell that you have really done your research about the John Kirwan foundation.

    Does your School have a mental health programme? Do you think all Schools should have some kind of mental health support?

    Maintaining our mental health is so important, but a lot of people really struggle with talking about it. I think this is maybe because mental health problems are harder to see, whereas physical health problems are usually quite obvious.

    How do you look after your mental health? I sometimes practice mindfulness before bed, and I often talk with my friends about how I am feeling.

    Thanks for sharing this Katelynn, I enjoyed learning about the John Kirwan foundation :)


  2. Hi Beren,

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm not sure if my school have a mental heath support. I think schools should have some sort of mental health support.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.