Friday, 11 January 2019

SLJ - Concluding The Journey

Background Image - Link

This is my final activity and for it we had to answer 4 questions about the Summer Learning Journey! I have really enjoyed learning about the environment and what lives in it this summer and can't wait to do it again next year! Did you do the Summer Learning Journey this summer?

SLJ - Adoption Day

Lion Image - Link
Tiger Image - Link
Cheetah Image - Link
Person walking in the wild - Link
Tiger Image - Link
Wild Cat Image - Link

SLJ - The Plastic Pledge

I got the 2 images from the summer learning journey site - Link

For this activity I asked my family what they think on Countdowns decision to ban plastic bags. What is your opinion on Countdowns banning of plastic bags?

SLJ - Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution

Background Image - Link

For this activity we had to think of 3 ways we could help to save the planet! Here are some of my ideas I have many more like pick up our rubbish, take care of our water ways making sure there is no plastic in rivers, getting a small group of people together and walking around your town/citey and picking up rubbish! What are some ideas you think would help save our planet?

SLJ - Restricted Area

I got the 2 images off the summer learning journey site - Link

For this activity we had to decide whether or not they should restrict some tourists attractions. I think that they should and shouldn't read my presentation to find out why.

SLJ Day 4 Week 4 - Campaigning for Conservation

Forest & Bird New Zealand Image - Link
Nature Image - Link

For this activity we had to pick a campaign and come up with a slogan for that campaign, mine is 'For the love of our forests, help Forest and Bird protect our animals' and that goes with the campaign 'Forest and Bird New Zealand'.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

SLJ Day 2 Week 4 - A flying fox

I got the zip lining image off the summer learning journey site

SLJ - The sky in Shanghai

Bottom Image
Top Image

SLJ - Guardians of the sea

I got the image from the summer learning journey site

SLJ Week 4 - Word of Wearable (WOW) Art

Word of Wearable (WOW) Art

5 Interview questions I would ask Dame Suzie Moncrieff.

When did you start creating clothes out of reusable items and why?
What made you start making clothes out of reusable items?
What gave you the idea that newspapers could be a type of clothing?
Do people like your reusable item clothing, if not why?

What do you think has been your best creation and why?